Contact Information
Please feel free to contact us using any of the following methods:
Main E-mail Address:*
info (at) festivalcitywinds (dot) ca
Conductor E-mail Addresses:*
epeterson (at) festivalcitywinds (dot) ca - Eila Peterson
wgrasdahl (at) festivalcitywinds (dot) ca - Wendy Grasdahl
*Note: To send us an e-mail, change the "(at)" to an "@" and the "(dot)" to a "."
We write our e-mail address this way to try to reduce the amount of spam we receive.
Novice band: Tuesday evenings,
Bethel Gospel Chapel
, 11461 95 St. NW
Concert Band: Tuesday evenings,
First Presbyterian Church ,
10025 - 105 St. NW
Symphonic Band: Thursday evenings,
First Presbyterian Church,
7128 Ada Boulevard NW
Symphonic Wind Ensemble : Wednesday evenings,
First Presbyterian Church ,
10025 - 105 St. NW
The rehearsal times for all three bands is 7:30 - 10:00 P.M.
Mailing Address:
Festival City Winds Music Society
c/o 11908 - 132 St.
Edmonton, AB, CANADA T5L 1P4
Where the heck is Edmonton?
Good question! This
interactive map for Google Maps should hopefully give you a better idea.